Saturday, 7 February 2015

Instruction for Rectification and ROTs, Inverters Purchase in WGL Schools

Instruction for Rectification and ROTs, Inverters Purchase

Proc. Rc. No. Spl/B2/TSSA/Wgl/2015,  Date: 06.02.2015

Subject: TSSA, Warangal - Distance Education - Instruction for rectification and purchase of ROTs, inverters etc - Reg.

1. The State Project Director, SSA, Telangana state, Hyderabad Proc. Rc. No. 16/SSA/T4/DEC/2014-2, dated: 09.12.2014.

As per the instructions of the State Project Director, SSA, Telangana state, Hyderabad, the Mandal Educational Officers are hereby informed that the School complexes have ROT facility to view the MANA TV live programmes and recorded programmes for children.

Further, it is found that some of the school complexes donot have ROT facilities and the available ROTs are required minor repairs. In this context, MANA TV programmes are not being utilized for children. Hence, the available ROTs are to be rectified on new ROTs to he purchased from school complex grants.

Therefore, all the Mandal Educational Officers in the district are instructed to inform the school complex Headmasters to take up the rectification, procurement of ROTs and inverters/ UPS duly following the instructions given below.

  1. School Complex Headmasters to take up the repairs of ROTs at school complex. If the school complex does not have ROT they may procure a new ROT from the school complex grants immediately.
  2. While procuring the ROT dish antenna should be 1.2 mts Dish and set-top box should be MPEG2 and MPEG4 compatibility.
  3. The repair should be taken up immediately with any experienced technical operators and exchange the not working material.
  4. If the complex schools have generator facility the recurring expenditure of generators maintenance and diesel charges shall be incurred from the school complex grant.
  5. If the complex schools do not have generator, UPS and inverters they may be allowed to procure UPS or inverters with backup of 1.20 to 1.50 minutes.
  6. Further, the school complex Headmasters shall be instructed that they will be held responsible for non-functioning of ROTs and non-availability of ROTs in the school complex and it will be viewed seriously. The expenditure on above purchase and repairs shall be met from the school complex grants of their schools as per norms.

The Mandal Educational Officers should closely monitor the procurement and repairs of ROTs and inverters/UPS in the complex schools and the compliance report shall qe said to the District Project Office, TSSA, Warangal immediately.