Thursday, 5 February 2015

Unit Cost for Conduct One day Mandal level Orientation Programme to HMs

Proc. Rc. No 4101 /B3/P&MIS/ TSSA/2014 Date: 29.01.2015

Subject: TSSA Warangal - Preparation of DEEP (District Elementary Education plans) for the Annual Work Plan & Budget 2015-16 - Conduct of Training at mandal level - Reg. - Payment Orders - Issued

1. Proceedings of the State Project Director, RVM (SSA), AR Hyderabad, Rc. No. 2803/ SSA /Plg/T7/14, Dated. 06.12.2014.
2. Note approved by the The District Collector And Chairman, TSSA Warangal, NF No. 41 08/133/P&MISCO/TSSA/Wg1 Dated: 10.12.2014.

The Project Officer, TSSA, Warangal is pleased to sanction an unit cost for conduct one day mandal level orientation programme to school head masters concerned in the mandal on Preparation of DEEP (District Elementary Education plans) for the Annual Work Plan & Budget 2015-16.

Unit Cost for Orientation to habitation Planning Core teams at Mandal level.

Item and Unit Cost
1. Tea & Snacks Rs 20/- per head
2. Working Lunch Rs 50/- per head
3. Contingencies Rs 500/- for entire programme
4. Preparation charges for mandal plan (Xerox & spiral binding ) Rs. 1000/- for entire programme

The Finance Accounts Officer of this Office is requested arrange to transfer through RTGS mode an amount as per above unit cost after completion and submission of the actual expenditure bills of the mandal through the Mandal Educational Officer.

The expenditure may be booked under the following head.
Major Intervention:  Management Cost
Sub Intervention:  Community mobilization
Budget allotted in Present Expenditure :  AWP&B 2014-15
Project Officer TSSA Warangal