Sunday 20 April 2014

Rc.No.3116 Allotment of Food grains for the Month of April-2014 orders issued

: Warangal:
Rc.No. 3116/A5/2013, Dt.19-04-2014.  
Sub: MDM Scheme  - Adhoc allocation of Food Grains under MDM Scheme-  for  April-2014  allotment of  food grains orders issued by the Collector (Civil Supplies) – Warangal inturn allotment of Rice for Primary, Upper Primary Schools,   NCLP Schools and Model Schools and for IX and X  classes  Release of Food Grains orders – Issued – Reg.

Reg.1) Proc.Rc.No. F4/1594/213, dated: 29/11/2013, 06-01-2014,05-02-2014,  08-03-2014 and 17-04-2014 of the Collector ( Civil supplies), Warangal.

While communicating herewith the copy of the reference  Dt.17-04-2014  read above,   all the Mandal Educational officers in the District are hereby informed that  they are aware of the orders issued by the Collector (Civil Supplies ), Warangal. In this connection, the Food Grains allotted by the Collector (Civil Supplies), Warangal in the reference Dt.17-04-2014 read above, are herewith allotted to the Mandal Educational officers for the month of April-2014 as  per the  requirement basing on Enrollment.  They are requested to allot the Food Grains to the Schools as per the requirement   basing on the closing Balance if any leftover in the school and see that the Mid Day Meal scheme shall be implemented on sound lines.

Further, they are informed that, it is noticed by the under signed and also the visiting officers that there are large No of food grains lying in the schools which are not being  utilized properly by  the  Head Masters, for which the Mandal Educational officers have to   keep close watch and see that the allotment of Food grains shall be based on the enrollment/Meals taken and also closing balance available  in the  respective schools. They are also informed that in so many schools are having large No of closing balance and in   some schools they are having less quantity of rice. Therefore, they are requested to look in to the matter personally and prepare an action plan for actual requirement of Rice Shall be allotted to the schools  and allot the same for proper Utilization. Further, the Mandal Educational officers are informed that the rice allotment made in Metric Tons only . The quantity of rice allocated shall be drawn through the Tahasildhar concerned in full shape. If they fail to do so, they will be held personally responsible for the receipt of less quantity of rice,  as the Government is being  paid the cost of food grains as per the allotment of rice made by the Collector Civil supplies , Warangal.

They are also requested to contact the Tahasildhar concerned and act as per the instructions issued  by the  Collector (Civil Supplies ), Warangal  in the reference Dt.17-04-2014  read above, withoutfail. Further, they are requested to submit the Closing  balance of Rice for  the  Month of  April-2014  by taking the actual Utilization of Rice up to 20th and average up to the Month ending. The particulars of Rice closing balance shall be submitted to the District Educational Officer, Warangal by 25th of April -2014 withoutfail.
They are also requested to  go through the instructions issued by the Collector (CS), Warangal in the reference Dt.17-04-2014  read above, and submit compliance report immediately.

The receipt of the proceedings shall be acknowledged.  
Encl:- Annexure

Sd/-Dr.S Vijaya Kumar,
District Educational officer,