Thursday 8 January 2015

DEO Warangal Instructions on MDM Scheme-Supply of Fine Rice

DEO Warangal Instructions on MDM Scheme-Supply of Fine Rice

 Proc.Rc.No.13500 /A5/MDM/2015. Dated: 8-01-2015

Subject: School Education, MDM Scheme - Supply of Fine Rice - (Sanna Biyyam) for  implementation of the MDM scheme  - particulars of school wise Rice lifted from MLS points along with  releasing orders(RO) to handover MLS point incharge - Reg.

1) Oral information received from the office of the District Manager (CS), Warangal on 07.01.2015.

All the Mandal Educational officers in the District are hereby informed that in the reference cited, it is requested to furnish the school wise quantity of (Sanna Biyyam ) Rice lifted along with releasing orders (RO) from the Tahasildhar concerned for the food grains already lifted for the month of Jan-2015.

Therefore, they are requested to prepare the list of school wise food grains lifted and also the copy of releasing orders (RO) duly obtained from the Tahasildhar and submit the same to the MLS point incharges by 09.01.2015 withoutfail.  The proforma is herewith enclosed
Sd/- Dr Y Chandra Mohan, District Educational Officer, Warangal