Friday, 12 June 2015

SSA Warangal Wash Training Programme Guidelines under Swachh Patashala Mission

SSA Warangal Wash Training Programme Guidelines under Swachh Patashala Mission
1. The RPs Trained at State Level on 8th & 10th June 2015 at SPO, SSA shall be the RPs at Sub  - District Level. The RPs Teams shall be formed, @2 RPs per Team.

2. Each Team shall be covered all the HMs of Primary, Upper Primary & Secondary Schools  working under Govt Sector and Local Bodies including KGBVs and Model Schools to their allotted  Mandals.

3. Each Team shall be positioned for two days in the allotted Mandals i.e, 13th & 14th June -2015 and cover the School HMs i.e, @ at least 100 per day.

4. The Course Directors shall prepare the list of School HMs Mandal wise then they may be allotted to the identified centers located or by clubbing  2 to 3 Mandals.

5. As the programme is being conducted for two days, two or more different venues may be  Identified so that it will facilitate the participants to attend the training at the nearest venue.

6. The CDs shall identify the Training venues having big hall, which can accommodate 100  Participants in single room with adequate good amenities.  If such venues are not available at sub divisional level, the venue may be shifted to revenue divisional Head Quarters.

7. In every venue arrange the LCD Projector and Computer with sound system to facilitate the screening of short video films and power points.

8. For each venue, the concerned Dy.EO/MEOs will be the coordinator for the conduct of one day training in two spells.

9. It is submitted that 3274 HMs working in the District as per the U-DISE 2014-15 and it is scheduled to conduct training to half of the HMs on 13.06.2015 and the next half of the HMs on 14.06.2015 as per the instructions of the SPD, SSA, Telangana State, Hyderabad.

10. The Course Director and the RPs are guided to brief the School Readiness and Class Readiness, LEP 3R Programme in HMs training to all HMs for effective implementation of Readiness Programme which scheduled from 15.06.2015 to 30.07.2015 and 15.06.2015 to 15.08.2015 who lack 3Rs.