Escort Allowance to Children With Special Needs (CwSN) and Selection Norms
PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROJECT OFFICER:: TSSA - WARANGALProceedings. Rc. No. 1046/B4/IE/SSA/Wg1/2015; Date:20.07.2015
SSA - Warangal - IE Activities - Selection of CwSN Children for Payment of Escort Allowance - Regarding.
1. The State Project Director, Telangana, SSA, Hyderabad, Proc. Rc. No. 232/ TSSA/ IE/ T8/ 2015, Dated: 15.07.2015.
2. AWP&B 2015-16.
As per the instructions of the State Project Director, Telangana, SSA, Hyderabad has decided to release Escort Allowance to the eligible Children With Special Needs (CwSN), who are studying in the Government and Local body schools in the district @ Rs. 250/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty Only) per month per child through the concerned School Management Committees (SMCs) through RTGs mode.
The Project Officer, SSA, Warangal has been instructed to all the Mandal Educational Officers to collect eligible CwSN list in the district with the help of IE Resource Persons and Cluster Resource Persons for release of "Escort Allowance". The criterion of selection of eligible list of children in 51 IERC & Non IERCs Mandals is 14 CwSN (Not exceeding). This selection criterion has to be completed within 5 days and reach District Project Office, SSA, Warangal by 27.07.2015.
Application form for selecting CwSN children is enclosed and the same format along with eligible certificate and Parents bank account pass book xerox should be submitted in the District Project Office, Warangal.
The norms for selecting CwSN children in the mandal are that the educable children with special needs, whose mobility is greatly restricted and the help of Escort is indispensible for them to attend the school shall be eligible for Escort Allowance.
A. The child whose attendance does not fall below 50% of total working days in a month shall be entitled for T.A.
B. The attendance of all CwSN who attend school in a month should reach the DPO by 1st of succeeding month without fail duly signed by Head Master of the School.
C. The consolidation list of CwSN eligible for Escort Allowance should be sent by District Project Office Warangal to State Project Office Hyderabad by 5th of every month.
D. The Escort Allowance will be deposited to Parent's bank account which is linked to AADHAR CARD directly from SPO based on the list sent by DPO.
E. A child Proforma is enclosed for Escort Allowance which has to be maintained for all CwSN at school.
F. A register for Escort Allowance should be maintained both at school and DPO for audit verification purpose. Ecnl: Application form & Proforma for payment